Saturday 24 April 2010


Tuesday 13 April 2010

I am Back !!!

Hi people
Its such a long time i went to blog from last time
I blog because the "busted" Shang Zhi and the " pai kia " Xing Yee ask me to update
So i update it
Term 2 have started and MYE is coming soon in 2 weeks time
And guess what I've been slaking until now
Nice right ?
And the best part is I am the most noisy person in my class ( I think )
Gonna change that habit
I wanna that shirt !!!
Where can i find and buy that shirt?
Anyone can tell me where ?

I can't withstand against this feeling
Wanna to tell her as soon as possible
It is suffocating !!!!!

The Love I Protected For You , Now I can Tell You Everything